Life left me traveling alone- and it’s a blast!


I have been traveling alone for quite a while now.
It was kind of difficult to organize things with friends and I have to confess I wasn’t too much into giving my own plans up.
Usually I just go with the flow and I don’t need things to go my way, but this time I wanted it to be different.
Also life happened and everything was pretty spontaneous in the end.

Of course I was worried in the beginning…
But now that I actually am traveling alone I love it. Still people are concerned if I have lost my mind…a girl traveling alone? Hmmm…
The question that people ask me the most is if I am not bored or lonely.
To all of you group travelers out there-NO I AM NOT.

I am perfectly fine just with me and myself. Because the wonderful thing about traveling alone is, that you don’t have to make anyone happy but yourself.
No discussions, no boundaries. And my favorite part: no explanations.
Group travelers or others seem to misunderstand something about people that travel alone.
It doesn’t mean we’re not talking to anyone or that we are avoiding contact with human beings for months.
No, we actually talk to people. Probably even more than you do. Because we rely on meeting nice people to accompany us for a while and help us, if help is needed.
So yes, we make friends and also we can have fun without our squad.
Sure sometimes I’d love to share this or that moment with my friends or family, but then, maybe with them I would have never gotten in these situations.
And also I couldn’t talk about my experiences if they were all with me- I mean they’ve been there, and done that so where’s the point?
Now I can look forward to see them again and hear their stories and tell them mine.


Actually the most difficult and loneliest part about traveling alone is the part where you book the flight.
That’s the part where you have to convince yourself that you’re not a sad lonely little person that no one can stand.
Get over it. You’re not. You’re brave and the fact that you can spend time with yourself means that you cannot be THAT awful of a person,that you need people to distract you from your own personality.
I had not even one flight without talking to my neighbor -and I didn’t have to do or plan anything. It just happens, don’t worry!:)
Meeting people is getting easier and easier after leaving the airport, so booking is seriously the loneliest part about it.
And I cannot wait for everyone to be finally ready and make everyone happy and find the perfect everything, then nothing would ever happen.
So get out there!

Sure you’ll miss your friends and your family- but that would happen anyway.
And somehow it’s also nice to know that you have something that you can miss and something you can come back to. Don’t you think so?

Actually traveling alone gives you the chance to reinvent yourself and to grow into a person that you actually like,not influenced by anything from your past.
Just the other day I saw a travel magazine that pronounced “Traveling alone” to be the latest and yes, also an unusual trend.

Next point: I am not bored. In fact I finally find the time to do all the things that I always wanted to do and by meeting more and more people with different interests I also get to do and know things I haven’t thought of before.
I find new communities and connect with people that share my interests and also I find new hobbies.
The people on my way inspire me and everyday I have more ideas of what I should or could do and the list is never-ending.The plans that we make are never ending.

Sometimes this certain sense of well-known sadness overcomes me too, but that’s part of it. That happens to everyone no matter if “alone” or not.
Yes sometimes I feel melancholic and sometimes I am just overwhelmed and a little helpless and I wish that I had a friend to share the struggle in this very moment.
But then, I know I make my way. Because I know I can.


The sun isn’t always a ball of butter-but I don’t let anyone bring around a cloud to rain on my journey.

Have a wonderful day and don’t be scared to go somewhere by yourself and just for yourself!:)

5 thoughts on “Life left me traveling alone- and it’s a blast!

  1. This post is perfect. 🙂 Really thanks, i just needed something like this. Cause i want to travel with a friend, but im not sure if she really want to. So I guess, I will go alone. And now I am not as much scared as befor! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Super toller Text 🙂 ich habe auch vor alleine durch Australien zu reisen und auch keine große Angst (die kommt bestimmt noch 😀 ) und stelle es mir auch viel entspannter und viel spannender zugleich vor 🙂


    1. Ach Quatsch, wenn du jetzt schon keine Angst hast, dann kommt die sicherlich auch nicht mehr. Daheim in Deutschland ist die Zeit alleine mit den Sorgen eigentlich die unheimlichste. Man hat einfach zu viel Zeit sich Horrorszenarien auszumalen.
      Die Australier sind außerdem ein supernettes Völkchen und sogar außerhalb von den eigenen Gefilden extrem hilfsbereites, offenes und lustiges Völkchen. Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß und ich freue mich total, dass mein Text dir gefallen hat:)
      Und ja es kann unglaublich entspannend sein-man kann einfacher loslassen als wenn man ständig den Fokus auf anderen Menschen hat. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sehr guter Artikel. Ich glaube, dass es sogar sehr viele Vorteile hat, wenn man alleine reist. Man wird aufjedenfall Selbstbewusster und lernt sehr viele interessante Menschen kennen.

    Der große Vorteil, wenn man zu Zweit oder mehr reist, ist, dass man das Erlebte gleich mit jemandem teilen kann.


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